My absolutely thrilling, totally exciting, won’t-stop-talking-about it announcement.
If you’re friends with me on social media, you probably already know: I’ve had some excitement recently. And by “excitement” I don’t mean...

When writing isn’t writing.
I took a writing workshop by Story Engineering creator Larry Brooks that completely summarized my novel-writing experience. He said that...
Thrilled to death.
The ultimate how-to-write-a-thriller from the ultimate thriller authors. (Have I mentioned that James Patterson was a copywriter before...

Things I have been known to do instead of writing.
Alas, Procrastination, I know ye well. Despite my best intentions, I sometimes find myself doing things that don't exactly hasten my...

Novel-writing resources
Updike is spot-on that being an unrepentant bookophile is essential to good writing. But once you've written that Great American Novel...

Why having an agent is totally a big whoop.
I’ve found that writing a novel is sort of like getting serious about a guy. As soon as you tell people, the questions start rolling in....

From the genius who is Weird Al.
Maybe this should become my theme song?

I think they forgot "Second Adult Beverage."
Oh look. It's almost time to Revise. Again.

On putting yourself out there.
I’m not a fan of the spotlight. That was actually one of the main appeals of becoming a writer. I could hide in the wings, writing...