I'm thankful for...
‘Tis the season for thankfulness prompts, gratitude 5Ks and Hallmark movies reminding us of all of the ways our lives are enriched. In...

SciFi vs SciThri: What’s the difference?
I'm delighted to host Dr. Amy Rogers, author, scientist and all-around-amazing human being! Read on for the skinny on the SciFi/SciThri...

Guest post on Jungle Red Writers
The amazing women of Jungle Red Writers invited me to guest blog. What a thrill! I'm a huge fan of these authors, with a special devotion...
What's a girl like me doing with a book like this?
How did an advertising copywriter and former English major end up writing a medical thriller? Check out my guest post at...

Protocol book trailer
A preview of coming attractions, coming soon to a book store or Kindle near you. :)

Getting naked in front of strangers.
I’ve spent most of my adult life trying to hide. In the back of the room. Behind my hair. Beneath turtlenecks and to-do lists and extra...

What’s in a name?
It’s a question Bill Shakespeare asked half a millennium ago (give or take), and it’s something pondered by both parents and novelists as...

That time I thought I was J.D. Salinger.
Salinger has been on my mind a lot these days. Not just because as a literature major I’ve read The Catcher in the Rye almost as many...

Write What You Feel
Writing, like parenting, is rife with advice. “Have a writing routine.” “Never use the passive voice.” “Burp after feeding.” Okay, so...

Life, Draft 1
There’s an old adage among authors: “You can’t edit a blank page.” It’s advice I took to heart when I found myself spinning my wheels...